Manage your finances without ever having to step foot into a bank! Whether you need to open accounts, top-up deposits or transfer funds, you can perform any of these transactions all within our mobile app! Take advantage of these other features as well:
Choose a quick log-in option using a PIN, Fingerprint ID, or Face ID
Check the latest activities on your account balance(s)
Open a Term Deposit, Current or Savings Account at your convenience
Request for a loan for various purposes
Top-up Term Deposits using funds directly from your Current or Savings Account
Transfer funds: 1) Between your accounts and/or 2) Other Prince Bank accounts
Receive a push notification whenever a transaction is made
View multiple accounts on one platform
Easily calculate your loan/deposit interest rates with our Calculator
Check up-to-date currency exchange rates
Quickly locate any of our branch offices/ATMs
Select your language preference
Encryption: We use the latest technology encryption to ensure that your account information is protected
Blocked Log-in: After 3 failed consecutive log-in attempts, your Digital Banking ID is blocked
Automatic Log-out: A time-sensitive log-out feature is activated for inactivity